Monday, September 7, 2009

Along Came Jones

September 7, 2009

It was only two days ago that this column asked,

"Did he (Van Jones) fill out the Obama job application thinking he has never made any public comments that would embarrass the President?"

Now Fox News' Major Garrett is reporting, Van Jones never filled out the 63-question, 7-page Obama application.

See the application here:

This writer thought that the application itself was ridiculous because:

(1) President Obama himself would have failed a number of questions regarding associations, financial impropriety, and relatives;

(2) question 59 seems to impugn gun owners;

(3) questions 54-56 cite question 49 where they apparently should cite question 53 in a way that seems humorous (conflating malpractice suits with the legal status of household help);

(4) ChoicePoint WorkPlace Solutions, Inc. was retained by the Obama Transition Foundation to assist with investigations of the applicant including credit histories; and

(5) it looks like the name "Clinton" was handwritten to the left of question 31.

CNN was reporting in November 2008 that anyone seeking to work for the new administration will have to submit this questionnaire. But then along came Jones.

We see that Van Jones apparently would have failed questions 1, 8, 12, 16, 20, 46, 47, and 61. But the upper echelon of Obamatites thought it was unnecessary for Jones to apply.


Who else didn't apply?

Which of the other 36 czars had to apply?

Somebody should find out the answers to these questions.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Goodbye,Van Jones

September 6, 2009

The Obama administration reported early Sunday that green jobs czar Van Jones has resigned.

The failure of Obama to assemble a staff without drawing tax cheats, communists, radicals, and racists exemplifies either the total incompetence of the new administration, or the ongoing insult to the people of the country who are apparently considered too dull to notice the emplacement of misfits, lunatics, and fellow travelers into high office.

Those of us who are upset by this administration have had feelings of dread about the great damage Obamatites will do in the four years of his term. We have felt paralyzed and impotent against opponents who seem to be holding all the cards. We've watched them squander trillions of dollars, while funneling money to crazies, and smearing us whenever we have an opinion or are hesitant to hand over new powers to a government which has a long-standing tradition of waste and inefficiency.

We are not irrelevant. Van Jones was caught red-handed and he's gone. Things are starting to shake in this administration. Obama is no longer advancing; he is turning around and starting to retreat. You see, Barack Obama has had to hide his goals, values, and background from mixed company during the election. He didn't tell center or center-right audiences that he was planning trillion dollar deficits, socialism, and shutting down the war on terror. After he won the election, suddenly these details started to slowly come to light. "I won the election," he said, glossing over the part where he scammed the electorate. But a funny thing has started to happen now that his polls have gone underwater. He's starting to hide and pretend he's not a commie again. This is why Van Jones joined the ranks of the unemployed today. Obama has to be friendly again. I wouldn't be too surprised if he released his long-form birth certificate.

Legislatively, when Obama is below 50 in the polls, the Congress starts to distance themselves from him and so his agenda goes off the front burner. He's got to get the number back up if he wants to sell health care. The folks are really starting to bail on the health care legislation, so the poll numbers are ever more critical. As a Clintonite once said, "if he gets above 65 he can start dating again."

What we don't know about Obama is, will his poll numbers rebound or keep sinking? Will Obama become radioactive and thus unelectable in 2012? Gerald Ford's numbers headed south after he pardoned Nixon and he lost in 1976 to virtual unknown Jimmy Carter. There are a dozen scenarios I can think of that result in Obama being a sickly one-termer, but how realistic are they?

There is something else that will help us defeat the health bill. Nancy Pelosi is unfit to preside over the House because she's so far left. If Obama wants a health bill, she is sure to poison it with something that won't get past the Senate. I suppose she thinks if there is a 5% chance of it passing, all she has to do is run it through 20 times. Pelosi is a national disgrace, but it appears she is helpful to us for now because she is so ineffective. Our position is still a bad one. It will be hard to excise the cancer from Capitol Hill and from the White House. Washington is badly infected. Obama plans a socialist empire and he's not afraid to print money to do it. He's poised to break the borders, corrupt the census, and with the ACORN/Soros machine, he'll try to steal the election. Mickey Mouse and Freddie Johnson are ready to register.

We have to keep calling and faxing our congressmen, and keep speaking out at public forums whether they are tea parties or town hall meetings or what-not.

If we can't stop Obama, who can? If we don't stop him, who will?

Saturday, September 5, 2009


September 5, 2009

'No black Columbines' is a straw-man argument at best.

Van Jones would like to tell his audience that blacks are more civilized than whites, but he can't make that argument even in front of his peers because of the laughter that would ensue.

Did he think the tape would never come to light? Did he fill out the Obama job application thinking he has never made any public comments that would embarrass the President?

This man is a self-admitted Communist. He admits the green movement is an avenue the government can use to redistribute wealth. Just for this, the man is radioactive and Obama should take care not to be in the same state as him.

But Van Jones is a jackass. He's a pretentious, race-baiting malcontent the likes of which we haven't seen in an administration in 70 years - and in those days, such people were tucked away and hushed up like crazy uncles.

Why can't we have a Democratic Party that has different ideas, but is still loyal to the American way of life? Why does virulent support of abortion and public health care mean opening the door for the commies, the gays, the thieves, and now the black KKK?

Mr. Jones, I guarantee you would be fired for your comments in any other administration, whether you were black or white, whether you directed your comments towards blacks or whites.

A white person using this level of rhetoric would be abandoned first by his fellow whites.

I'm guessing Van Jones said this before a solid-black audience, and he didn't even get shouted down or mobbed.

Monday, November 3, 2008


********** ELECTION SPECIAL**********

November 3, 2008

The end of the Presidential election season is nigh upon us, and in this column The Blazing Truth presents its predictions for the election.


John McCain and Barack Obama have been battling it out over the past few weeks, but an increasingly overconfident, arrogant Obama apparently knows something this writer has come to suspect; the upcoming election will be quite a bit bigger than it should be.

North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Missouri. These states are in play. Current polling models suggest that if John McCain loses more than one of these states, he will probably lose the election. Current polling models show Obama leading all of them except Missouri and Georgia. But this election isn’t about polls, it’s about who shows up to vote.

This, coupled with $200 million in very questionable donations to the Obama campaign, is why The Blazing Truth is predicting a win for Barack Obama.

Florida officials have reported voter registrations for Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Georgia Democrats claim it is racist to require a voter to present a picture ID. Virginia officials discovered that out-of-state students are registering to vote in both states. A Missouri judge found that a homeless person has the right to claim a park bench as a home address for voting purposes. Other states are reporting fraudulent registrations numbering in the hundreds of thousands (Georgia) or even more than 1.5 million (Nevada). When the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that officials had to verify the addresses of hundreds of thousands of new registrants including same-day voters, the Ohio Secretary of State appealed to the US Supreme Court and won.

Barack Obama may or may not legitimately win the popular vote or the electoral vote. But he may appear to win, and in the opinion of The Blazing Truth, John McCain does not have the wallet or the stomach to pursue this through legal methods. I pray that I am wrong about this prediction.


Pelosi’s New Generation 57D-43R

Democrats gain pickups in Alaska (defeating just-convicted Senator Stevens), Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Oregon. Dems retain Midwest, Northeast seats and perennials like Baucus in Montana. Republicans retain the Southern states and Wyoming where there is a special election. Unpopularity of President Bush and Republicans in Congress means they do not pickup a single seat.

Harry’s Happy 250d-187R-1I

Democrats gain 15 seats in New Jersey, New York, Michigan, and elsewhere.

Eighteen open Republican seats, many in states where Barack Obama is solid to win, demonstrate writing on the wall for more Republican bloodshed.

There are fifty seats in contention, including Murtha’s Pennsylvania-12. He’ll probably win. The other 388 seats will stay with incumbents. Probably 90 percent of the seats will stay with incumbents this year, which is odd considering public approval of Congress is about 10 percent.

Florida-16 returns to Republican hands after sex-scandalized Republican Mark Foley is replaced by sex-scandalized Democrat Tim Mahoney.

Nobody Cares 28D-22R

North Carolina gets a Democrat. Dino Rossi gives it back to Christine Gregoire. Missouri elects a Democrat named Nixon. But nobody cares. The Blazing Truth predicts no net change; Democrats control 28 statehouses, Republicans 22.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Price of Anarchy

October 19, 2008

Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution opined that Republicans cling to three wrong-headed ideas that addle their thinking, which are:

(1) the assertion that Saddam Hussein represented a threat to the United States,
(2) that affirmative action in lending led to the mortgage crisis and
(3) that voter fraud is a serious problem in modern elections.

That's right, Ms. Tucker. I am a Bitter Clinger.

I believe that when S. Hussein controls the flow of two million barrels of oil per day and has designs on invading other countries and hijacking ten million more, he is a threat to the USA and to the world. He has to be stopped - by war if needed. And if the warring powers somehow decide to spare his head, he has an obligation to that cease-fire. But Hussein decided to violate that obligation, and it cost him his crown, his family, his fortune, and his head.

I believe the New York Times article from September 30, 1999, outlining the steps Fannie Mae is taking to provide subprime lending to previously underqualified borrowers, 18 percent of whom happened to be black, is roughly accurate.

I believe that when people show up to the polls without any sort of identification, they should not be permitted to cast a vote.

Not only do I believe these things, but I feel that I am entitled to cast aspersions on my fellow Americans who are in the dissent.

I think there is something seriously wrong with a person who does not support the war efforts of his own country when many thousands of his fellow countrymen risk life and limb. To attack the troops verbally; to say that they as a class are engaged in war crimes; to mock them or protest their families at funerals; to encourage men to desert, or to aid them in desertion, or to praise the men who have deserted as though they are heroes; these are the marks of the traitor.

I think that a loan must be made on good faith, and central to that assumption is the demonstrated ability of the borrower to pay back that which he borrows. When the government secures the loans, it becomes the patsy and the fall guy and so do we. When the Congress (notably Reps. Frank, Dodd, et. al.) pressures Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to relax their lending policies, it costs us the taxpayers money. This crisis has been brewing for a long time and the timing of recent collapses should be called into question with regard to the elections.

It's bad enough that the poll tax, which was fairly good at weeding out voter fraud, was eliminated because it was "disenfranchising." There's something wrong when you have to show a membership card to go to Sam's Club, but not at Uncle Sam's Club. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance, and should we encourage people to drive from polling place to polling place and cast their Mickey-Mouse and Donald-Duck votes? No way!

It boils down to honesty, Ms. Tucker, and if you bend the rules until they break, there are no rules. Anarchy has a high price - foreign wars, economic troubles, and fixed elections. Time to pay up.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why Obama Will Lose

When Howard Wolfson analyzes the ruins of the McCain train wreck, it should be noted that the train has not in fact, crashed... yet.

Wolfson would love to be the biographer of the failed opposition, and in three weeks he will have that privilege, because in fact, he has attacked both McCain and Obama, and one of them will lose on November 4. (As a Hillarian, Wolfson considers both of these men the opposition.)

But Wolfson neglects the possibility that Obama could still lose this race, just as he kept losing big-state primaries this spring. Here are the reasons Obama will lose on November 4:

10) Iran, Iraq, Israel, and al-Qaeda

Barack Obama was wrong about Iraq and the surge, and the strange comment about Iran being a "tiny country" that doesn't present a threat to us should have awakened public caution about the Big O. Obama's back-door negotiations with the government of Iraq should make us all shudder, his stated commitment to Israel is not believable, and Iran's fast-track pursuit of nuclear weapons make it the centerpiece of trouble for the next several years. If al-Qaeda should strike, if Israel should pre-emptively strike Iran, or if there are other statements by Obama that departure should predate victory in Iraq, the election could yet hang in the balance.

9) The Money Trail

It's late in the campaign - probably too late; but there is still time for someone to put out the word that the most expensive campaign in American political history is laced with foreign and improperly-disclosed cash, possibly more than $200 million of it. While McCain has published his donor list online, large and small, Obama has not told the public about numerous small donations that have been raised through PayPal and other online sources. If the amount is less than $200, he doesn't legally have to; but this is a loophole the campaign has driven a train through. Other limits, such as the $2300 and $4600 personal contribution limits, have not been handled correctly. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has been involved in rooting through some of this, but not much, and not out loud. Someone should draw some attention to the irregularities.

8) Several Major Scandals

The public has no idea who Tony Rezko is or what he is whispering to federal prosecutors. The public has no idea why ACORN is being investigated in 11 states, or deep connections to Obama going back over 15 years (or this year when the Obama campaign paid them almost $900,000.) Bill Ayers and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright know Obama very well, but the public doesn't know just how well. How does a Kenyan named Odinga have anything to do with Obama, and what happened when Jerome Corsi went to Kenya to publicize his anti-Obama book? Which New Englander is the biggest supporter of Iran in the U.S. Senate?

7) His Name Is Barack Hussein Obama (And He's Black)

Or, "he's half-white, 25 percent black, and 25 percent Arab," or some crazy concoction. The folks are always hearing something different; he's Muslim, he's Christian, he's an ex-Muslim, he praises Muslims, he's with the Black Separatists, he's not really a U.S. citizen, he was born in Kenya, he's supporting this radical Muslim (Odinga) over there, his brother George is in Kenya living on $1 a month, and so forth.

Seven years after 9/11, the folks are a little bit worried about a Muslim-named man seeking high office, tight-lipped about his own background, especially if he is a little bit uncertain about American themes like strong military, American work ethic, opportunity, ownership, and energy independence.

6) No Respect For The Common Man

In the Obamasphere, average white guys are abnormal cavemen types, chanting incoherently while offering sacrifices to their cloud gods and spending huge chunks of disposable income on firearms, hunting dogs, and taxidermy. Did Obama have much chance with the white male vote in the beginning? We don't know; but how badly can he do with this demographic and still win on November 4?

5) Blew Off Hillary

Obama did a bang-up job of clobbering Hillary Clinton by focusing early campaign dollars on states with caucuses. Hillary nearly caught up by winning big states and bribing superdelegates, but couldn't get Florida and Michigan seated; also the winner-take-all rule which would have won the contest clearly for Hillary was absent. Obama could have redeemed himself at great personal expense by bringing in Hillary as VP; failing to do this cost him votes in the Hillary faction.

4) Who The Heck Is Joe Biden?

Yes, Joe Biden has been sitting in the Senate since he was 30 - you have to be 30 to be a Senator. He's 65 now; what has he done, other than plagiarize speeches and be 180-degrees-wrong on almost every foreign policy for 35 years?

3) Hope & Change: Work With Crazies & Hope They Change

Obama's associations with ACORN, Ayers, Dorhn, Rezko, and Wright are long and deep; they are the foundation of his political and financial power. Up until now, the playbook has determined he should renounce the deed and not the person until the pressure builds, then throw them under the bus. It's getting mighty crowded under Obama's bus.

2) Obama Is A Marxist

What we do know about this guy is, he is hell-bent on taking money from the rich, regardless whether it helps the national bottom line or not. "Fairness," is all we get out of the guy. Fairness my butt. The only difference between Karl Marx and Obama is, Marx wasn't actually mad at rich people for being rich.

1) We Have No Idea Who This Guy Is

Obama has the lightest, thinnest resume on file in a century. The Presidential resume reassures the folks. We need to see who the guy is and develop a picture in our heads as to what he can do for the country. McCain has a big, thick resume that tells us he's a stable guy and he does what he says he'll do. Obama wrote two autobiographies and we still don't know who he is.

Why McCain Will Lose

When Howard Wolfson analyzes the ruins of the McCain train wreck, it should be noted that the train has not in fact, crashed... yet.

Wolfson would love to be the biographer of the failed opposition, and in three weeks he will have that privilege, because in fact, he has attacked both McCain and Obama, and one of them will lose on November 4. (As a Hillarian, Wolfson considers both of these men the opposition.)

If McCain loses, there are several watertight rationales:

10) Obama Played Him Like A Chump On Financing

John McCain has no business receiving public financing for the campaign. TV advertising costs big money and Republicans have a lot of it. Unfortunately, Barack Obama pledged public financing and didn't keep his pledge. More unfortunately, McCain pledged public financing and he kept his pledge. Now, Obama leads McCain in TV spending by 3-1. You'd think that McCain would have learned how to operate in the wake of McCain-Feingold, but McCain dropped the ball on getting money for his campaign.

9) Wouldn't Cry Foul

Instead of cocaine, Obama is now addicted to power and he keeps hitting foul balls (ACORN, shady overseas contributions, whackjob associations, Soros, Rezko, and total lies in the paid media and the friendly media.) McCain could have aggressively confronted Obama but he did not.

8) The Lame Campaign

McCain's ratcheted tenor sucks, especially compared to Obama's smooth bass. The "Straight Talk Express?" Oh, give me a break. That woman narrator on the TV ads sounds stilted. The stump speech is boring. Until Sarah Palin was chosen for VP, America was asleep, and we're starting to nod off again. When people get excited about the candidate and think the candidate will win, they start giving. Right now McCain is the underdog, which is where he has been during most of the time he has been running for President.

7) Equivalences And Smear Wars

When McCain started to say ACORN, Obama's folks pointed to the 2006 photo of an ACORN event McCain attended. When Palin mentioned Rezko, Obamatites reached back to the 1980s and found the Keating Five. When conservatives mention the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obamatites link McCain to John Hagee. The O-B-C-Y-A campaign has always come up with a way to equivocate Obama's mountains of shame with McCain's molehills - in between bombing
McCain with the "smear campaign" charge.

6) He Didn't Treat It Like A Race

I've seen John McCain in a number of venues but the McCain that annoys me the most is the one who is too busy complimenting Obama to attack him. McCain believes in a principled debate, and maybe he has a background of principled opponents. The Viet Cong were not principled and neither is Obama. McCain should always lash out at this enemy with every limb.

5) Legislative Failures

McCain "suspended" his campaign to attend to the bailout bill, and didn't get any boost in so doing because he didn't sell the idea that the original bill was crap and the revised bill had the protections we needed. He didn't even sell the notion that the Democrats created the housing crisis in the beginning. Another thing that really gets my goat is, much of the really lousy legislation of the last 20 years has the name "McCain" on it at the top. McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, and McCain-Lieberman are all bad pieces of work, and two of those lemons are law now.

4) Republicans Aren't "Mavericks"

When you get right down to it, Republicans are the establishment in this country and not the anti-establishment. Democrats riot, rumble, and rage. Republicans have to go to work. We don't want to go across the aisle. We want to win. We don't want hope and change. We want low taxes and less government. For many years, Republicans have seen McCain loved by the popular prints as the moderate Republican defector.

3) Just Plain Too Old

Reagan wasn't balding, wasn't graying, and was still riding horses and chopping wood as he sought the Presidency. John McCain is an old man who looks and acts his age, and the statistical odds do not favor eight (or four) years in the Oval Office. McCain's good shot at the Presidency was in 1996 or 2000, not now.

2) Didn't Want It Enough

Obama is aggressive, assertive, and vulnerable. McCain didn't effectively rebut Obama's charges of "third Bush term" or "tax cuts for wealthy," and they stuck. Obama is very vulnerable in 2008 because politically, he's just a kid. No governorship, no leadership, just a sound follower to the most left-wing elements in a party headed by no-goodniks and 1960s hippies. For McCain, life goes on after November 4 and it's "business as usual" on November 5. At least Bob Dole wanted it enough to quit the Senate when he was the Majority Leader.

1) Not Conservative Enough

John McCain believes in the sanctity of human life, and this is a fine thing. Other than that, McCain has been dragged kicking and screaming away from the open-borders position; he didn't support the Bush tax plan; and although he did choose a conservative VP, rumors that he would pick a left-winger like Lieberman had weight because, well, we all wondered that he just might. Bob Dole was not a conservative but tried to play one for six months, and never really pulled off the trick; ditto McCain.