Monday, September 7, 2009

Along Came Jones

September 7, 2009

It was only two days ago that this column asked,

"Did he (Van Jones) fill out the Obama job application thinking he has never made any public comments that would embarrass the President?"

Now Fox News' Major Garrett is reporting, Van Jones never filled out the 63-question, 7-page Obama application.

See the application here:

This writer thought that the application itself was ridiculous because:

(1) President Obama himself would have failed a number of questions regarding associations, financial impropriety, and relatives;

(2) question 59 seems to impugn gun owners;

(3) questions 54-56 cite question 49 where they apparently should cite question 53 in a way that seems humorous (conflating malpractice suits with the legal status of household help);

(4) ChoicePoint WorkPlace Solutions, Inc. was retained by the Obama Transition Foundation to assist with investigations of the applicant including credit histories; and

(5) it looks like the name "Clinton" was handwritten to the left of question 31.

CNN was reporting in November 2008 that anyone seeking to work for the new administration will have to submit this questionnaire. But then along came Jones.

We see that Van Jones apparently would have failed questions 1, 8, 12, 16, 20, 46, 47, and 61. But the upper echelon of Obamatites thought it was unnecessary for Jones to apply.


Who else didn't apply?

Which of the other 36 czars had to apply?

Somebody should find out the answers to these questions.

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