Sunday, September 6, 2009

Goodbye,Van Jones

September 6, 2009

The Obama administration reported early Sunday that green jobs czar Van Jones has resigned.

The failure of Obama to assemble a staff without drawing tax cheats, communists, radicals, and racists exemplifies either the total incompetence of the new administration, or the ongoing insult to the people of the country who are apparently considered too dull to notice the emplacement of misfits, lunatics, and fellow travelers into high office.

Those of us who are upset by this administration have had feelings of dread about the great damage Obamatites will do in the four years of his term. We have felt paralyzed and impotent against opponents who seem to be holding all the cards. We've watched them squander trillions of dollars, while funneling money to crazies, and smearing us whenever we have an opinion or are hesitant to hand over new powers to a government which has a long-standing tradition of waste and inefficiency.

We are not irrelevant. Van Jones was caught red-handed and he's gone. Things are starting to shake in this administration. Obama is no longer advancing; he is turning around and starting to retreat. You see, Barack Obama has had to hide his goals, values, and background from mixed company during the election. He didn't tell center or center-right audiences that he was planning trillion dollar deficits, socialism, and shutting down the war on terror. After he won the election, suddenly these details started to slowly come to light. "I won the election," he said, glossing over the part where he scammed the electorate. But a funny thing has started to happen now that his polls have gone underwater. He's starting to hide and pretend he's not a commie again. This is why Van Jones joined the ranks of the unemployed today. Obama has to be friendly again. I wouldn't be too surprised if he released his long-form birth certificate.

Legislatively, when Obama is below 50 in the polls, the Congress starts to distance themselves from him and so his agenda goes off the front burner. He's got to get the number back up if he wants to sell health care. The folks are really starting to bail on the health care legislation, so the poll numbers are ever more critical. As a Clintonite once said, "if he gets above 65 he can start dating again."

What we don't know about Obama is, will his poll numbers rebound or keep sinking? Will Obama become radioactive and thus unelectable in 2012? Gerald Ford's numbers headed south after he pardoned Nixon and he lost in 1976 to virtual unknown Jimmy Carter. There are a dozen scenarios I can think of that result in Obama being a sickly one-termer, but how realistic are they?

There is something else that will help us defeat the health bill. Nancy Pelosi is unfit to preside over the House because she's so far left. If Obama wants a health bill, she is sure to poison it with something that won't get past the Senate. I suppose she thinks if there is a 5% chance of it passing, all she has to do is run it through 20 times. Pelosi is a national disgrace, but it appears she is helpful to us for now because she is so ineffective. Our position is still a bad one. It will be hard to excise the cancer from Capitol Hill and from the White House. Washington is badly infected. Obama plans a socialist empire and he's not afraid to print money to do it. He's poised to break the borders, corrupt the census, and with the ACORN/Soros machine, he'll try to steal the election. Mickey Mouse and Freddie Johnson are ready to register.

We have to keep calling and faxing our congressmen, and keep speaking out at public forums whether they are tea parties or town hall meetings or what-not.

If we can't stop Obama, who can? If we don't stop him, who will?

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