Monday, November 3, 2008


********** ELECTION SPECIAL**********

November 3, 2008

The end of the Presidential election season is nigh upon us, and in this column The Blazing Truth presents its predictions for the election.


John McCain and Barack Obama have been battling it out over the past few weeks, but an increasingly overconfident, arrogant Obama apparently knows something this writer has come to suspect; the upcoming election will be quite a bit bigger than it should be.

North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Missouri. These states are in play. Current polling models suggest that if John McCain loses more than one of these states, he will probably lose the election. Current polling models show Obama leading all of them except Missouri and Georgia. But this election isn’t about polls, it’s about who shows up to vote.

This, coupled with $200 million in very questionable donations to the Obama campaign, is why The Blazing Truth is predicting a win for Barack Obama.

Florida officials have reported voter registrations for Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Georgia Democrats claim it is racist to require a voter to present a picture ID. Virginia officials discovered that out-of-state students are registering to vote in both states. A Missouri judge found that a homeless person has the right to claim a park bench as a home address for voting purposes. Other states are reporting fraudulent registrations numbering in the hundreds of thousands (Georgia) or even more than 1.5 million (Nevada). When the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that officials had to verify the addresses of hundreds of thousands of new registrants including same-day voters, the Ohio Secretary of State appealed to the US Supreme Court and won.

Barack Obama may or may not legitimately win the popular vote or the electoral vote. But he may appear to win, and in the opinion of The Blazing Truth, John McCain does not have the wallet or the stomach to pursue this through legal methods. I pray that I am wrong about this prediction.


Pelosi’s New Generation 57D-43R

Democrats gain pickups in Alaska (defeating just-convicted Senator Stevens), Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Oregon. Dems retain Midwest, Northeast seats and perennials like Baucus in Montana. Republicans retain the Southern states and Wyoming where there is a special election. Unpopularity of President Bush and Republicans in Congress means they do not pickup a single seat.

Harry’s Happy 250d-187R-1I

Democrats gain 15 seats in New Jersey, New York, Michigan, and elsewhere.

Eighteen open Republican seats, many in states where Barack Obama is solid to win, demonstrate writing on the wall for more Republican bloodshed.

There are fifty seats in contention, including Murtha’s Pennsylvania-12. He’ll probably win. The other 388 seats will stay with incumbents. Probably 90 percent of the seats will stay with incumbents this year, which is odd considering public approval of Congress is about 10 percent.

Florida-16 returns to Republican hands after sex-scandalized Republican Mark Foley is replaced by sex-scandalized Democrat Tim Mahoney.

Nobody Cares 28D-22R

North Carolina gets a Democrat. Dino Rossi gives it back to Christine Gregoire. Missouri elects a Democrat named Nixon. But nobody cares. The Blazing Truth predicts no net change; Democrats control 28 statehouses, Republicans 22.

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