Friday, October 17, 2008

The Blazing Truth Endorses McCain/Palin

To be sure, our endorsement of John McCain and Sarah Palin for President and Vice-President will not shock any of our regular readers, who have agonized along with us during the long primary season.

John McCain is an all-American hero. He is bright, witty at times, honest, and a man who can get things done. Plus, McCain is pro-life, and while other politicians claim to be against pork-barrel spending, McCain has a long record of opposing pork-barrel spending. We wish that McCain's conservative roots were not merely trained on abortion and earmarks.

The addition of Governor Palin to the ticket adds a rare bit of conservatism to a quiet, moderate, and mature campaign which is now sadly the only obstacle to the coming Obama Presidency.

At two and one-half weeks out, the Blazing Truth does not concede the Presidential election to Mr. Obama, but prospects for McCain/Palin and Republicans this season do not look rosy by any standards.

Mr. McCain requires an external force to negate the winds of Obamacity and drag him kicking and screaming to victory. Call it God, call it karma, or call it 527 groups, some other force must move the candidate to victory.

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