Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why Clinton/Obama Is Hardly A "Dream Team"

January 19, 2008

In the top tier of Democratic hopefuls, we find Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards. With two caucuses and a few primaries reporting, pretty much everyone else vying for the Big D this year is out of the running, unless something weird happens. Weird things do happen.

Among the top three we have zero governors, zero mayors, and zero ambassadors. We have zero entrepreneurs, zero teachers, zero doctors, zero farmers, and zero veterans.
We have basically one vision for the future:

1) Increase taxes.
2) Grow government.
3) Cut the military, surrender in Iraq, ignore Iran, North Korea and a panoply of mischievous state actors.
4) Open the borders.
5) Give more power to unions, the gay mafia, the United Nations, and the usual half-wits.
6) Activist judicial appointments.
7) Pardons for anyone with a big enough checkbook.

Now that we have dispensed with the issues, what remains is personalities.

We have three liberal senators with an average of five years’ experience among them.
We have three millionaires and three lawyers.
We have a masculine woman, a feminine man, and a (half-) black man.

Hillary Clinton

We have pretend experience – Hillary pretends 35 years of experience. Her experience is that she’s been married to Bill, who has supplied her with prestigious law firm jobs, mansions to live in, and a Senate seat. Bill’s book barely mentions her outside of the failed health care initiative.

Hillary’s official experience is, she was handed one big assignment and blew it (in Arkansas she was given the education reform project and blew that.) There are thousands of documents articulating what Hillary has done as First Lady. They are sealed from the public and she will not release them. Based on her public comments about Bill, George W. Bush, and so forth, basically she has been tricked and fooled a lot.

But Hillary has a lot of credentials she doesn’t mention, like her legal work on behalf of Black Panthers; the Madison Guaranty scandal; her West Wing activities, including the hiring of Craig Livingston and the firing of Billy Dale; and her financial shenanigans from cattle futures to Vincent Foster to gifts and pardons.

Hillary has a “listening campaign,” but she only listens to people who agree with her. She earned a million dollars from books about the family dog and cat (Buddy and Socks); the dog got run over in 2001 and she gave the cat to Bettie Currie because she didn’t want it anymore.

There are hundreds of different, devious ways a President can use the office for ill – pardons, appointments, investigations, tax audits, executive orders, misuse of secret information, and widespread fraud and bribery. Money that can’t be funneled to the officeholder can be funneled to the spouse, or some legal apparatus such as the Presidential library or the Presidential defense fund. Hillary knows all of the dirty tricks and she will absolutely hit the ground running.

No American should trust her, and that conclusion is based on what we do know.

John Edwards

We have an obscenely rich champion for the poor – John Edwards, who earned fifty million dollars as a trial lawyer getting huge judgments against hospitals, a trucking company, and a manufacturer; who recently worked as a hedge fund manager; who has a mansion roughly the size of a Wal-Mart. Edwards’ speeches focus on “two Americas,” one rich, and one poor. It’s ironic for someone who has earned so much money as a trial lawyer to tell poor people they can’t succeed because the system is corrupt.

Barack Obama

We have an orator who doesn’t say anything. Barack Hussein Obama – yes, Hussein – has a book that says nothing and until three years ago was a state senator. His insertion into the U.S. Senate tracks back to a certain nameless California judge’s ridiculous decision to open the public records of the ugly child custody claims made by Star Trek actress Jeri Ryan against her husband, Jack Ryan. When Ryan left his campaign, there was very little time for the Republican Party to select a new candidate, and their eventual choice, Maryland native Alan Keyes, had already blown four elections and took 89 days to blow a fifth one.

Barack Obama’s home is on a million-dollar lot that Obama couldn’t afford – until the lot was suddenly split and a shady partner agreed to buy the other half, the one without a house on it, for the same amount Obama paid for the half with the house, and just leave it there. That partner is now under indictment for election fraud, for activities unrelated to this. We’re expected to believe that Obama’s victory in Iowa makes him worthy of the Big Nod. Twenty years ago, Jesse Jackson won eleven of these “victories.”

Now, say some, eliminate Edwards, join Hillary and Obama, and you have the Dream Team – but you don’t. You don’t lose much, but you don’t gain anything. You basically have a two-headed monster with no credibility and no moral sense. Like a used car dealer, Clinton/Obama tells you to buy this car because it has low miles and is good on gas, but they won’t tell you it has a blown engine. “Stay away from the Republican dealership,” they’ll say, “because it’s cursed.”

The Democratic Party is what it is – a corrupt, immoral party given over to lawyers and teachers’ unions, befouling the military, with the belief that America is inferior to the United Nations. These two twits are worse than average because when the smokescreen of platitudes clears away, they are a pair of opportunistic phonies with some particularly bad plans for the country. Clinton/Obama makes Gore and Kerry look wise and wholesome, and that’s not cool.

The best hope for Democrats is to keep voting for “Uncommitted.” Only a floor fight can remove the Three Stooges and emplace a decent Democrat.